Bright Futures Program 2 – School

The objective of our School program is to show God’s love to the less fortunate children. The following are the activities we do under this program.

School Supplies
By providing the supplies needed for learning and other assistance.  Our hope is by providing students with the items they need like school supplies, they will be able to learn and grow, knowing God cares about them.  The school supplies are distributed through administrators at selected schools or during vacation bible school at our partner churches in Philippines.

School Visits
Elementary school visits show God’s love to the less fortunate with a candy and smile.  We share our joy with the children in Philippines so they know we care about them and God loves them.  We hope they or their families will search for the reason we are doing this and find a bible teaching church to attend.

Kid Events
PUNLA hold kid events at various locations around Philippines.  Our objective is to show children that God loves them with games, crafts, candy, balloons and lots and lots of love.

PUNLA funds materials and food for daily vacation bible school at partner churches in the Philippines.

High School and Senior High School
Career counseling and professional communication seminars and assembly programs at High Schools and Senior High Schools. 

Here are some of the previous activities we’ve done under this program.
→ Hanawan School Visit (June 2015)
→ Gatbo School Visit (March 2016)
→ Hanawan School Visit (March 2016)
→ Old Moriones School Visit (March 2016)
→ Matacla Lighthouse Baptist Church DVBS (2016)→ Pinit Bible Baptist Church DVBS (2017)
→ Tamban Grace Christian Baptist Mission DVBS (2017)
→ Casay Bible Baptist Christian Church DVBS (2017)
→ Sagnay Bible Baptist Mission DVBS (2017)
→ Busac Bible Baptist Mission DVBS (2017)
→ Matacla Lighthouse Baptist Church DVBS (2017)
→ Caramoan Lighthouse Baptist Mission DVBS (2017)
→ Polangui Bible Baptist Church DVBS (2017)
→ Kids Event Pinit Elementary School (2018)
→ Kids Event Matacla Elementary School (2018)

If you would like to donate towards this program, please go to our sponsorship page HERE.