Bright Futures Program 6 – EcoStim

The objective of our EcoStim or Economic Stimulus program is to fight poverty with steady income from new businesses and jobs.

PUNLA provides zero or low interest loans for business start-up capital.  To be considered by PUNLA, prospective businesses must submit a detailed business plan including capital needed, intended use of capital, income potential provided by business capital.

PUNLA conducts a bi-annual review of projects in February and August each year, to review project status, loan terms and new applications.

Here are some of the businesses that have been established/expanded under this program:
→ Water Station
→ Wig Manufacturing
→ Auto Parts
→ Welding Shop
→ Pineapple Plantation
→ Novelty Stickers Manufacturing
→ Auto Restoration
→ Quail Farm
→ “Sili” Farm (Hot peppers)

If you would like to donate towards this program, please go to our sponsorship page HERE.