The objective of this program is to provide hope through financial support for college students with no means to pay for their education. Education can be the first step towards overcoming the extreme poverty.
How does this program work?
Application Process
Students must submit a completed application to be considered during our open enrollment period each year.
Minimum Requirements for applicants:
• Applicant must be enrolled in college
• Applicant’s family is indigent
• Applicant is recommended by one of our local partner churches
Each applicant is required to provide background information on their families, prior education, proof of enrollment, pictures and personal story details. The applicant is also responsible for providing a viable contact E-mail address for communication.
PUNLA board of directors will review all application submitted. Punla board of directors may perform background checks and/or interview of the applicant.
In order to be accepted to this program each student is required to accept the terms of program “Responsibility Clause”. PUNLA will select students for the program based on the background information and/or interview performance. PUNLA board of directors’ decisions are final.
Students Admitted in the Program
Students admitted in the program will receive financial support until they graduate provided that they comply with all the requirements of maintaining their sponsorship.
Each STUDENT is required to submit to following prior to the release of funds each semester.
• Write SPONSOR a thank you letter prior to start of each school term (Submitted to PUNLA via email)
• Proof of enrollement
Additionally, each STUDENT must provide the following milestones to continue in the program each semester
• Start of term letter to sponsor (Submitted to PUNLA via email).
• Mid-Term progress report, including mid-term grades and discussing progress toward degree (Submitted to PUNLAvia email)
• End of Session progress report including, semester Final Grades and progress toward degree statement endorsed by University official submitted (Submitted via PUNLA via email).
• Meet with PUNLA staff during each periodic mission trip to Philippines.
• Student Forum Attendance every year.
• Comply with the responsibility clause
Responsibility Clause
1 I (STUDENT) acknowledge that all information provided to PUNLA is accurate/correct.
2 I (STUDENT) understand that if I commit a crime or fraud, as determined by PUNLA board of directors, will result in immediate loss of sponsorship.
3 I (STUDENT) understand I will lose my sponsorship unless I have passing grades in all courses registered for and taken.
4 I (STUDENT) pledge to attend my sponsor church and perform at least 2 hours/week volunteer service at the church assigned to mentor and supervise me.
5 I (STUDENT) promise not to attempt direct contact with my SPONSOR (unless specifically agreed to by PUNLA in writing). All communication will be done through PUNLA via email (admin@punla-cm.org)
6 I (STUDENT) promise to conduct myself according to Biblical moral values.
Becoming a Sponsor
As a sponsor you will be funding the minimum amount needed by your chosen student. If you wish to provide extra funds to your student, you may do so. Punla will provide you periodic feedback on how your student is doing. You will be privy to a more detailed information regarding your student if you want to. You will also receive a copy of your student’s proof of enrollment, grades, and letters.
If you would like to sponsor a student, please go to our sponsorship page HERE.
There have been several students that have completed their respective degrees that were in our program. Click HERE to seethe students that have graduated from our program.
Other Activities
Here are the other activities we’ve done under this program.
→ 2017 Student Forum
→ 2018 Student Forum
→ 2019 Student Forum